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Fall 1960 Pledge Class - Kansas Alpha Pi Beta Phi
(left to right) Jeanne Barrow, Barbara Buesking, Marilyn Cromb, Melinda Hall, Dixie Kaufman, Jean Low, Barbara Mullen, Mary Lynn Rogers

Jean Low Bloomfield ('61) - Law School Queen

1960 pledge class KS Alpha Pi Beta Phi
Back row: Judy Steaks, Mary Clark, Jackie Wash, Sue Hardisty, Virginia Marshall, Fran O'Brien Middle Row: Marcia Myers, Sue Carter, Donna Rankin, Sue Neil, susan Callender
Front Row: Anne Blair, Francis Smith, Marty Leith, Ruthie Stewart
Front Row: Anne Blair, Francis Smith, Marty Leith, Ruthie Stewart

Spring 1960 Pledge Class

Fall 1960 Pledge Party

Fall 1960 Pledge Party

Article from school newspaper about Marilyn Cromb and Dr. Wescoe

1961 Spring Formal

1961 - Housing Brochure Photos at chapter house on Mississippi

1961 KS Alpha Pi Phi

1961 KU Pi Beta Phi - photos for housing brochure

1961 Housing Brochure KU Pi Phi chapter house

1960-61 pledge class KS Alpha Pi Phi

1961 pledge class - Kansas Alpha Pi Phi

1961 Jayhawker yearbook page describing KU's first yearbook, a partnership between I.C. Sorosis and Beta Theta Pi at KU in 1873-74. It was called "The Hierophantes."

Lawrence Journal World article about chapter house construction - 1962
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